Terms and Conditions
This site is offered free of charge for the purpose of creating an International User Experience (and related disciplines) community website. The site is moderated by a Canadian, so be nice to everyone, apologize when necessary (sorry for having to point that out) and if you ever meet the Admin in person, offer to buy him a beer. Since many Canadians will post here, please don’t point out that they are spelling “colour” and “centre” wrong. It may hurt their feelings. Please enjoy reading the following terms and conditions.
UX Issues:
As a UX professional, I know there are issues with the usability of the site. Feel free to point them out if it makes you feel better, but generally assume that I already know and am working on fixing it :). I’m working with an instance of WordPress, BuddyPress and BBpress and a number of other plugins, so the consistency and control of the various elements is not always fully under my control and is an ongoing process.
Signing up:
In signing up for your member account, you agree with the terms and conditions below:
Sign up using your real name and email, if for any reason we need to get in touch with you, we will use this address. We will not contact you directly except if there are issues with your account that require your attention. We will not otherwise send you unsolicited emails, or provide your contact information to anyone else.
Uploading Responsibility:
Anything you upload remains yours, and is your responsibility. Do not upload images you don’t own, as the original content owners may become upset and want you to pay for the use of their content. We are not responsible if you break the law, or get sued. Don’t use this site for illegal activities, or use it to upload harmful code.
Editing or Content Removal:
Posts/Articles (etc.) may be edited by the Admin to fix minor spelling and grammatical issues, depending on how much free time he has available. The Admin may also add an image to the post if you’ve forgotten/neglected to do so.
Content may be removed from the site if it is not broadly generally related to User Experience, or the related disciplines. Blatant advertising by companies is not encouraged, but members can post articles on UX or design Tools, or websites they find useful.
Be Good:
We can modify, cancel or delete your account at anytime, but generally will not do so if you are a good community member and only upload “family friendly” content. For the most part people have good intentions, but there are always some that want to be trolls.
CitizenXD is dedicated to providing a community experience that is harassment-free for everyone. We will not tolerate harassment of members in any form. Offensive sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for this site. If you wouldn’t be proud to show it to your mother, don’t write it, or upload it here.
If you find material on this site that is objectionable to you in any way, copy the link and use the contact form to send it to the Admin. The content will be reviewed and removed at the Admin’s discretion.